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Privacy Policy


PAN PACIFIC AMERICAN LEADERS AND MENTORS is committed to maintaining the privacy of all visitors to our website. We collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.

If you simply browse through our website, read pages, or download information—and do nothing else—we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically, but this information does not identify you personally. We use this information to assist us in making our website more useful to our visitors (for example, to learn more about the number of visitors to our website and the types of technology used by our visitors). We automatically collect and store information such as the following concerning your visit:

* The Internet domain from which you accessed our website
* Your IP address
* The type of browser and operating system used to access our website
* The date and time you accessed our website
* The pages you visited
* If you linked to our website from another website, the address of that website


For website and server security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, our computer system employs software programs for the purpose of monitoring network traffic, identifying unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or determining unlawful activities that can cause damage to the website, among other things. If our software programs disclose evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, we may provide such evidence to appropriate law enforcement officials. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this server or to cause damage to our website are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under applicable state and federal laws.


We do not collect and/or store personally identifiable information unless you choose to provide it to us. If you provide us with personally identifiable information (for example, by sending an e-mail, by creating a member profile, or by filling out a form and submitting it through our website), we use that information only to respond to your message and to help us provide you with the information and services that you request.
When you voluntarily submit information through our website, you consent to the use of the information for the stated purpose. When users click the “SUBMIT” button on any of the Web forms or any of the website menus found on our site, they are indicating voluntary and informed consent to the use of the information they submit for the stated purpose. For example, if a user or a member submits a request for a mentor through our website, that user voluntarily authorizes us to use the information submitted by him or her for mentorship selection and related purposes , We do not collect or use personally identifiable information for sales, marketing, or other commercial purposes.


We destroy the information we collect when the purpose for which it was provided has been fulfilled, unless we are required to keep it longer by statute, regulation or policy.


This website may contain links to other websites, such as government websites and private websites. Once you go to a website via a link provided by our website, you are subject to the privacy and security policies of that website. It is recommended that you read the privacy policy of any website that you visit. We do not control or guarantee the lawfulness, accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained in a website to which we provide a link. Unless otherwise expressly stated, we do not endorse the organizations or individuals maintaining sites to which we provide a link; nor do we endorse any views they express or any products/services they offer.


“Cookies” are small bits of text that are either used for the duration of a session (session cookies) or saved on a user’s hard drive in order to identify that user or information about that user the next time she or he logs onto a website (persistent cookies). This website does not use persistent cookies or any other persistent tracking technology. One or more of our component sites may use session cookies to provide streamlined navigation. These session cookies are deleted from the component’s server after your session ends, and information from them is not collected or saved.


This website does not offer content to children and minors.


PPALM maintains official pages or accounts on several third-party websites (for example, Facebook) in order to better engage with our members and the public, as well as to promote awareness of our activities, events, news and information. Your activity on these third-party websites is governed by the security and privacy policies of the relevant third-party websites. It is recommended that you review the privacy policies of third-party websites before using them to ensure that you understand how your information may be used. You should also adjust privacy settings on your account on any third-party website to match your privacy preferences.

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